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Bergquist PCB

Jarnistech > Bergquist PCB
Bergquist PCB

Are you looking to enhance the electromagnetic shielding efficiency of your electric circuits? Or are you in search of an exceptional printed circuit board (PCB) that can be utilized as a modifier or a sparker? Rest assured, as the introduction of Bergquist PCB can address both of these challenges effectively.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into some of the most pertinent and intriguing questions regarding the types, applications, and uses of Bergquist printed circuit boards. Let us commence this enlightening exploration!

Definition of Bergquist PCB

Bergquist PCB stands out as a distinctive type of printed circuit board that combines aluminum with copper-clad laminate. This composition grants the PCB specific mechanical properties, including exceptional strength and flame retardation capabilities. Notably, Bergquist PCB excels in terms of dimensional stability, making it a superior choice in this regard. Furthermore, it satisfies the solder float requirements for electric circuits.

One of the standout features of Bergquist printed circuit boards is their remarkable electromagnetic shielding effectiveness. These PCBs effectively prevent the escape of excess heat from the system, rendering them valuable as heat-retaining devices in circuits. They also serve as excellent heat sinks, with the aluminum and copper-clad laminate components being of the highest quality. The use of premium base materials ensures stable values for the dielectric constant and coefficient of thermal expansion.

The operational stability of Bergquist printed board circuits allows for their application in sensitive scenarios without the risk of any losses. PCB engineers can confidently leverage these circuits in various demanding environments, relying on their reliable performance.

What Materials Used in Bergquist PCB Boards?

Bergquist PCB boards are typically made of a combination of different materials, each serving a specific purpose. The main materials used in Bergquist PCB boards are:

Substrate Material:

The substrate material provides the base structure of the PCB and is usually made of a non-conductive material. Common substrate materials used by Bergquist include FR-4 (Flame Retardant-4), which is a type of fiberglass reinforced epoxy laminate, and ceramic-based materials like aluminum oxide or aluminum nitride, which offer better thermal performance.

Copper and aluminum are the primary materials utilized in the construction of Bergquist PCBs. These high-quality metals form the base layer of the PCB, providing excellent conductivity and thermal management properties. Additionally, manufacturers may incorporate other composite materials and metals to ensure the reliability and performance of Bergquist printed circuit board circuits.

Copper Foil:

Copper foil is used to create conductive pathways on the PCB. Bergquist PCB boards typically use high-quality copper foils with different thicknesses depending on the specific requirements of the application.

Dielectric Material:

The dielectric material is used to insulate the copper traces and provide electrical isolation between different layers of the PCB. Bergquist PCB boards may use different dielectric materials, such as epoxy-based materials, polyimide films, or ceramic materials, depending on the specific application and performance requirements.

These materials are carefully selected and combined to meet the specific electrical, thermal, and mechanical requirements of the PCB, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

Bergquist PCB Materials Types

Bergquist offers a range of PCB materials designed for various applications. Here are some of the commonly used Bergquist PCB material types:

Bergquist Aluminum Substrates:

These are aluminum-based PCB materials that offer excellent thermal conductivity and are used for applications that require efficient heat dissipation. They are suitable for power electronics, LED lighting, automotive, and other high-heat applications.

Bergquist Bond-Ply:

Bond-Ply is a thermally conductive adhesive material that is used to bond electronic components to heat sinks or substrates. It provides both electrical insulation and efficient heat transfer.

Bergquist Gap Pad:

Gap Pad is a soft, compliant thermal interface material used to fill air gaps between electronic components and heat sinks or other surfaces. It helps in improving thermal performance by facilitating effective heat transfer.

Bergquist Sil-Pad:

Sil-Pad is a thermally conductive insulation material used as a thermal interface between electronic components and heat sinks. It provides electrical isolation while allowing heat to pass through.

Bergquist Hi-Flow:

Hi-Flow materials are designed to enhance thermal performance in high-power density applications. They provide low thermal resistance and are suitable for applications such as power electronics, automotive, and telecommunications.

Bergquist Liqui-Form:

Liqui-Form is a liquid gap filler material that can be dispensed or screen-printed. It is used to fill gaps and irregularities between electronic components and heat sinks, providing efficient heat transfer.

These are just a few examples of the PCB materials offered by Bergquist. It’s important to note that their product lineup may evolve over time, so it’s always best to refer to the official Bergquist website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on their PCB materials.

Advantages of Bergquist PCB

Bergquist PCB boards offer several advantages that make them a preferred choice in various applications. Some of the key advantages of Bergquist PCB boards are:

High thermal conductivity: Bergquist PCB boards are known for their excellent thermal conductivity. This allows for efficient heat dissipation, making them suitable for applications that generate significant heat, such as power electronics and high-performance devices.

Reliable performance: Bergquist PCB boards are manufactured using high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing processes. This results in reliable and consistent performance, ensuring the longevity and functionality of electronic devices.

Excellent electrical properties: Bergquist PCB boards offer low electrical impedance and loss, enabling high-speed signal transmission and reducing the risk of signal degradation. This is particularly important in applications that require high-frequency or high-speed data transfer.

Design flexibility: Bergquist PCB boards can be designed to meet specific requirements and constraints of different applications. They can be manufactured in various shapes, sizes, and layer counts, allowing for customization and optimization of the PCB layout.

Cost-effectiveness: Bergquist PCB boards are cost-effective compared to other types of PCBs, making them a popular choice for a wide range of applications. Their reliable performance and long lifespan contribute to reduced maintenance and replacement costs.

Environmental durability: Bergquist PCB boards are designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including temperature fluctuations, humidity, and exposure to chemicals. They offer excellent resistance to moisture, chemicals, and corrosion, ensuring their reliability in challenging environments.

Compatibility with advanced technologies: Bergquist PCB boards are compatible with advanced technologies, such as surface mount technology (SMT) and high-density interconnect (HDI) designs. This allows for the integration of complex components and miniaturization of electronic devices.

Industry standards compliance: Bergquist PCB boards comply with industry standards and certifications, ensuring their quality and reliability. They are manufactured in accordance with ISO and IPC standards, meeting the requirements of various industries.

Overall, the advantages of Bergquist PCB boards, including thermal conductivity, reliability, design flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, make them a preferred choice for a wide range of electronic applications.

Where to Use Bergquist PCB?

Bergquist PCBs find utility in a wide range of applications due to their specific properties and advantages. Here are some common areas where Bergquist PCBs are frequently used:

1. Power Electronics
2. LED Lighting
3. Automotive Electronics
4. Telecommunications
5. Industrial Applications
6. Consumer Electronics
7. IoT devices
8.Renewable energy systems
9.Test and measurement equipment

It’s important to note that these are just some common examples, and the versatility of Bergquist PCBs allows for their application in numerous other industries and electronic devices that demand reliable thermal management and electrical performance.

What Are the Limitations of Using Bergquist PCB?

While Bergquist PCB boards offer many advantages, there are also some limitations to consider. These limitations include:

Cost: Bergquist PCB boards can be more expensive compared to traditional FR-4 PCBs. The use of specialized materials and manufacturing processes, such as high thermal conductivity substrates, can contribute to higher costs.

Limited availability: Bergquist PCB boards may not be as widely available as standard FR-4 PCBs. This can limit the number of suppliers and increase lead times for procurement.

Complexity: Bergquist PCB boards often require specialized design considerations and manufacturing processes. This can make them more complex to design and manufacture compared to standard PCBs.

Manufacturing expertise: Due to their specialized nature, Bergquist PCB boards may require specific manufacturing expertise and equipment. This can limit the number of manufacturers capable of producing these boards.

Size limitations: Bergquist PCB boards may have size limitations compared to standard FR-4 PCBs. This can impact applications that require larger board sizes or complex layouts.

Limited compatibility: Some Bergquist PCB materials, such as ceramic-based substrates, may have limited compatibility with certain assembly processes. This can require additional considerations and potentially limit the choice of components or assembly techniques.

Higher thermal expansion: Certain Bergquist PCB materials, such as ceramic-based substrates, can have higher coefficients of thermal expansion compared to traditional FR-4 PCBs. This can lead to challenges in managing thermal stresses and potential reliability issues in certain applications.

It is important to carefully evaluate the specific requirements and constraints of the application when considering the use of Bergquist PCB boards, taking into account both their advantages and limitations.

What is the Manufacturing Process of Bergquist PCB?

The manufacturing process of Bergquist PCB involves several steps, including substrate selection, design and fabrication. Here is a general overview of the manufacturing process:

Substrate Selection:

The first step is to select the appropriate substrate material based on the specific requirements of the application. Bergquist PCB boards are commonly made using high thermal conductivity materials such as ceramic-filled epoxy or aluminum-based substrates.


Once the substrate material is selected, the PCB design process begins. This involves creating a layout that includes the placement of components, signal traces, and power planes. Design software is typically used to create the layout, ensuring proper electrical connectivity and thermal management.


The fabrication process starts with preparing the substrate material. This can involve cutting the material into the desired size and shape for the PCB. Next, a copper foil is laminated onto the substrate, forming the conductor layers. The copper layers are patterned using a process called photolithography, where a photoresist is applied and selectively exposed to UV light to create the desired circuit pattern. The exposed areas are then etched away, leaving behind the circuit traces.

Surface Treatment:

After the circuit patterns are formed, the PCB undergoes surface treatment to enhance solderability and protect against oxidation. This typically involves applying a thin layer of surface finish, such as solder mask or gold plating, to the exposed copper traces.

Testing and Quality Control:

After assembly, the PCB undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its functionality and reliability. This can involve electrical testing, in-circuit testing, and functional testing to verify proper functioning of the circuitry and components. Quality control measures are implemented throughout the manufacturing process to ensure adherence to design specifications and industry standards.

How to Choose the Highest Quality of Bergquist PCB?

To ensure you choose the highest quality Bergquist PCB, it is important to follow these steps:

1. Assess Your Budget: Before making a selection, evaluate your budget to determine the level of quality you can afford. This will help you narrow down your options and focus on the most suitable choices.

2. Contact the Manufacturer: Reach out to the manufacturer of Bergquist printed board circuits. Inquire about their reputation, experience, and certifications. A reputable manufacturer will have a track record of producing high-quality PCBs.

3. Examine Materials Used: Investigate the materials used in the construction of the PCBs. Bergquist PCBs typically utilize aluminum and copper-clad laminate. Ensure that these materials are of superior quality and meet your specific requirements.

4. Verify Reliability and Durability: Consider the reliability and durability of the printed board circuits. Look for information on their performance under various conditions, such as temperature fluctuations and mechanical stress. Analyze customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the reliability of the PCBs.

5. Assess Manufacturing Process: Gain an understanding of the manufacturing process employed by the manufacturer. A well-defined and controlled process is crucial for producing high-quality PCBs. Inquire about their quality control measures to ensure consistency and adherence to industry standards.

6. Evaluate Electrical and Mechanical Properties: Thoroughly examine the electrical and mechanical properties of the PCBs. These include factors such as thermal conductivity, dielectric constant, coefficient of thermal expansion, and dimensional stability. Ensure that the PCBs meet your specific requirements and will perform optimally in your intended application.

By following these steps, you can make an informed decision and select the highest quality Bergquist PCB that aligns with your budget and technical specifications.

JarnisTech: Why Choose Us Become your Bergquist PCB Supplier?

Chinese manufacturers prioritize both price and quality when it comes to producing printed board circuits. With years of experience in the field, most manufacturing entities in China have honed their expertise and capabilities. Notably, We are one such Chinese manufacturer that offers a diverse range of PCB models at competitive rates while ensuring stringent quality standards.

At the same time, We offer the following Bergquist PCB Laminate Materials to meet your PCB project requirements:

●Bergquist HPL-0301
●Bergquist HT-04503
●Bergquist MP-06503
●Bergquist HT-07006
●Bergquist HPL-03015
●Bergquist HR T30.20

Therefore, There are several compelling reasons why JarnisTech emerges as the best destination for purchasing Bergquist PCBs:

Adoption of Automotive Technology: Chinese manufacturers incorporate automotive technology in the production of printed board circuits, ensuring advanced performance and reliability.

Utilization of High Technology: The use of cutting-edge technology across the manufacturing process in China guarantees exceptional quality production.

On-Time Delivery: Chinese manufacturers prioritize timely delivery, ensuring that printed board circuits reach customers according to agreed-upon schedules.

Excellent Customer Service: Chinese PCB manufacturers go above and beyond to provide outstanding customer service, addressing inquiries and concerns promptly and effectively.

Premium Quality at Reasonable Prices: China offers the availability of high-quality printed board circuits at competitive and reasonable prices, making it an attractive choice for cost-conscious buyers.

24/7 Support Team: Chinese manufacturers often provide round-the-clock support through their dedicated support teams, ensuring responsive assistance whenever needed.

Considering the aforementioned reasons, selecting JarnisTech as the premier destination for producing Bergquist printed board circuits would be a well-founded decision.


Bergquist PCB boards have revolutionized the PCB industry with their exceptional thermal conductivity, reliability, and design flexibility. As technology continues to advance, the demand for high-performance and heat-dissipating solutions is increasing. Bergquist PCB boards meet these demands by offering improved thermal management, excellent electrical properties, and compatibility with advanced technologies.

Despite some limitations, such as cost and complexity, the advantages of Bergquist PCB boards make them a preferred choice for a wide range of applications. As the electronics industry continues to evolve, Bergquist PCB boards are expected to play a crucial role in enhancing the performance and reliability of electronic devices.

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