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Author: <span>Jarnistech</span>

Jarnistech > Articles by: Jarnistech
What is the Integrated Circuit (IC) Board?

What is the Integrated Circuit (IC) Board?

Circuit boards with integrated circuits (ICs) are practically inseparable from modern technology. Integrated circuits are most commonly found in high-density computer chips that aim to maximize the amount of space devoted to each component. They can be found in almost all of the modern electronic products and infrastructures. Therefore, it is necessary to have a […]

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What is Different About PCB and PCBA?

What is Different About PCB and PCBA?

As the basic hardware for the majority of the electronics we use on a daily basis, printed circuit boards merge all the passive components and integrated circuits to create complex circuitry. This page discusses the primary distinctions between PCBA and PCB. What is the PCB? PCB is an abbreviation for “printed circuit board,” and it refers […]

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An Overview of Through-hole Technology (THT)

An Overview of Through-hole Technology (THT)

Early methods of electronics assembly, such point-to-point construction, were almost entirely supplanted by through-hole technology. Every component on a standard PCB was a through-hole component from the 1950s’ second generation of computers until the mid 1980s, when surface-mount technology (SMT) started to gain popularity. PCBs initially had tracks printed on just one side, then both […]

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What Are IPC Standards of PCB?

What Are IPC Standards of PCB?

The Institute of Printed Circuits, formed in 1957, is one of the most significant organizations in the electronics manufacturing business in the United States, if not the world. In 1999, it was renamed “Association Of Connecting Electronics Industries,” but the mark and abbreviation, IPC, remained unchanged. As a global industry organization, IPC is dedicated to […]

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Classification of Printed Circuit Boards and Design Guidance

Classification of Printed Circuit Boards and Design Guidance

PCB, also known as printed circuit boards (also known as printed wiring board, or PWB), is a material employed in electronics and electrical technology for connecting electronics to each other in a controlled way. It’s an insulated sandwich consisting of insulating and conductor layers. Each of the conductive layers is created with an artistic pattern of planes, traces, and […]

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PCB Manufacturing Guide and the Importance of Manufacturing Process

PCB Manufacturing Guide and the Importance of Manufacturing Process

The printing circuit boards (PCB) fabrication process is an intricate procedure to ensure the performance of the PCB product. Although circuit boards can be single-sided, double-sided or multilayer, only after the first layer is produced do the fabrication processes differ. Because of the different designs of PCBs certain PCBs may require more stages during the manufacturing process. The amount of steps needed […]

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