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Why Do You Need to Bread Circuit Board?

Why Do You Need to Bread Circuit Board?

If you are making a robot or any other kind of electronic project, it is possible that you will prototype the wiring on a breadboard first, and then you will fabricate a permanent circuit on either a perforated board or a printed circuit board. This could happen regardless of whether you are working on a robot or another kind of electronic project. In addition to this, the majority of its functions will be controlled by a board. When it comes to the fabrication of the board, the electronic designers are aware of the various types of boards that are available and can recommend the one that would work best for your electronic project.

Breadboards and printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the two primary forms of circuit boards that can be fabricated. In point of fact, one is utilized rather frequently in tailor-made and one-of-a-kind tasks, whereas the other is suitable for more generic types of projects. Because each one serves a unique purpose, there is no one that is superior to the others; rather, it is up to you to determine which one is necessary based on your requirements.

What Is a breadboard?

Breadboard, sometimes referred to as protoboard, is the most common type of board used in do-it-yourself electronic projects. A breadboard is a straightforward piece of equipment that eliminates the need to solder connections between components in electrical circuits. It is a piece of rectangular plastic board that has a number of very small holes punched all over it. Because of the holes, it is simple to insert electronic components into the board to create a prototype of an electronic circuit, such as the one shown here, which includes a battery, switch, resistor, and LED (light-emitting diode). Breadboards, on the other hand, will have a less permanent connection than printed circuit boards will, meaning that you will be able to remove and replace breadboards as necessary because they feature sockets that the components can be pushed into. Before the circuit connections are made to be permanent, it is unavoidable that a breadboard will be utilized more for experimenting, designing, and testing the connections.

History of the Breadboard

Early in in the history of electronic engineering, radio and electrical freaks prototyped their circuits on actual bread boards, which were essentially bread cutting boards.

Wikipedia: In the early days of radio, amateurs would solder electronic components to a wooden board that had bare copper wires or terminal strips nailed to it (often literally a cutting board for bread). The board would then be used to transmit radio signals. Sometimes a paper schematic diagram was first glued to the board as a reference to inserting terminals. After that, components and wires were installed over their symbols on the schematic. Occasionally, this process was reversed. In addition, it was usual practice to use thumbtacks or small nails as mounting posts.

You might believe that this neanderthal method is out of date, yet there are still a few valid reasons to employ it, such as in educational settings.

Functions Of Breadboard

Why Do You Use a BreadBoard?

As was said before, a breadboard is useful because it enables you to rapidly and temporarily put up circuits in order to test them. After determining how the circuit functions on the breadboard, you can then proceed to set up a more permanent configuration. Hobbyists and tinkerers can use them to set up projects as a standalone device, or as a peripheral to an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, LaunchPad, BeagleBone, or one of a wide variety of other development boards. They are a terrific resource. They are available in a variety of sizes to accommodate a wide range of jobs. Breadboards are likewise relatively affordable, and the components that are compatible with them are often not much more expensive. If you want to make your project more permanent, it is easier to move from a design on a breadboard to a design on a protoboard or PCB rather than jumping straight to those boards that are more difficult to manage.

In the field of electronic design, you will inevitably come across breadboards, regardless of whether you are just starting out or have made significant progress. Learning about their benefits, such as the speed and ease with which circuits can be created, as well as their drawbacks, such as their transience and their restrictions in terms of the amount of power they can handle and the RLC (resistance, inductance, and capacitance) effects they produce, will enable you to create many projects in the future that are both entertaining and practical.

Functions of a Breadboard

Breadboards, unlike what the majority of people would assume, continue to be an extremely useful tool in this day and age. It is no longer implying a breadboard made of wood and stuffed with wires and conductive posts, but rather one that uses solderless circuits. As a result, the breadboard is an extremely useful tool for prototyping as well as creating temporary circuits. In addition to this, they do not require any soldering to be done. What exactly does it mean to prototype something?


It refers to the process of testing a concept by creating a pilot model that serves as a template for creating more forms. The process is critical, and a breadboard is a key enabler. Prototyping is extremely beneficial when it is impossible to predict how a certain circuit will perform under stated settings.

Beginning with breadboards may be the best option for you if you are unable to understand how circuits function but are still interested in learning about them.

The testing of new components

When it comes to testing new components like integrated circuits, a breadboard transforms into the ideal platform. However, in order to test the components, you will need to wire and then rewire the components in order to determine the proper pattern and stay away from soldering.

Troubleshooting function

When trying to duplicate a customer’s issue and figure out how to solve it, a breadboard can be an extremely helpful tool. As a result, the temporary nature of this breadboard makes it an ideal choice for performing these duties.

Build Bread Circuit Board

What Makes a Breadboard?

If you wish to comprehend the functionality of a breadboard, you must disassemble its components. To make it easier for you to comprehend how the breadboard acts as a whole, I describe each component and its individual role in this section. So let’s dig right in.

Terminal Strips

Under the holes of a breadboard, the metal rows that comprise the breadboard connection feature little clips. Every socket and metal strip can be arranged with a standard pitch of 2.54 mm between each one. These clips facilitate the insertion of connecting wires and component leads into breadboard holes.

When any component is placed on a breadboard, the power source can be supplied to any hole in that row, as these holes are conductive and permit the flow of current from any end of the strip. Each strip on the breadboard contains five clips, allowing us to connect five components within a single area of the breadboard.

Each row on the breadboard has ten holes, and each row can be separated by a fissure or ravine in the center of the breadboard. This ravine separates both sides of the rows, and they are not electrically connected.

 Power Rail

In addition to the rows of terminal strips that are arranged horizontally across the breadboard, there are also power rails that are arranged vertically along the sides of the board. These rails, much like the terminal strips, conduct power, but they also all link to one another. The process of connecting to power is made easier if the wires are consistently colored blue, black, or red to indicate whether they are positive or negative. However, keep in mind that the two power rails that are positioned on either side do not connect to each other. Therefore, whenever you want to use a similar power source, you will need to link them using jumper wires so that they can share the power.

Columns and Rows

Breadboards have rows and columns that are denoted by letters, and these letters are visible to us. These prove to be quite useful during the process of creating a circuit on the board. In the event that the component on this board is moved inadvertently, the circuit may quickly become complicated; nevertheless, if it is not moved, the circuit will not function at all. If you first locate the row number on the breadboard that corresponds to the connection, installing the component on the board will be a piece of cake.

On the breadboard, the connection of the circuit does not need to be in the correct spot as depicted in the design. This is because the breadboard is not an exact replica of the circuit. In point of fact, it need not even have a comparable appearance. You are free to construct your circuit as you choose provided that all of the connections to the circuit are finished.

DIP Support

The sides of a breadboard are split by a ravine, which also serves an important purpose in the process of disconnecting connections. Chips are made to have dimensions that are compatible with these breadboards, and they are then packaged in DIP (dual in-line package). DIPs have legs that are designed to fit into the ravine, and due to the fact that every DIP chip leg is unique, the separation that the ravine provides assures that the legs do not connect with one another.

Binding Posts

Breadboards can come with binding posts, which allow them to act as linking towers for a variety of different power sources.

Other important elements of the breadboard are the side slots and the small nubbins. These elements allow you to connect your circuit even if it requires more space than is available on the surface of the board. In addition to this, it will enable you to connect the breadboard to additional breadboards so that the total surface area of the circuit can be increased.

Breadboard Vs Printed Circuit Board

How to Build a Circuit On a Breadboard

Depending on the components you wish to incorporate, breadboard circuits can be assembled in a variety of ways. For a simple circuit, however, the first step is to have all the required components, such as a resistor, button, LED, power source, etc. Then, you must comprehend the numerous connections in order for the breadboard circuit to function. Here, a circuit diagram, regardless of its intricacy or simplicity, becomes indispensable. It will enable you to comprehend what relationships exist and in what order. There are already free software packages that can be used to virtually build a schematic.

● A breadboard is a flat set of small sockets arranged in columns and rows built into a stable and non-conductive base. It gives you the ability to quickly test circuit design without the need to break out your soldering iron. Whether you are an electronics hobbyist, student, or technician, you will occasionally want to build a temporary circuit with breadboard. Any leads or wires that are introduced into the points in each column get electrically connected to one another due to the fact that the points in each column are already interconnected to one another. On the breadboard, adjacent columns are separated from one another by an insulating barrier.

● The breadboard is divided into a major area in which you create your circuit and a smaller power bus portion in which the buses are organized in horizontal rows. The main area of the breadboard is bordered by a smaller power bus section. In the main part, there are also horizontal slots that are built specifically for integrated circuits. After cutting segments of solid insulated wire with a gauge of twenty-two into jumper wires with lengths ranging from two to ten inches, stripping around half an inch of insulation from both ends of each jumper wire, you should have at least thirty jumper wires.

● First, ensure that the adjustable DC power supply is turned off. Next, place one end of a pair of banana cables in the positive (red) and ground (black) connectors of the breadboard. Finally, place the other end of the banana cables in the appropriate banana binding post jacks on the appropriate breadboard. After tightening both binding posts, insert the other end of each wire into a separate power bus row. A length of jumper wire measuring between three and four inches should be inserted into the little horizontal hole of each binding post.

● If you have integrated circuits, you should insert them into the breadboard and apply just enough pressure to fix them while ensuring that none of the pins on the integrated circuit flex. When positioning the integrated circuits, you want to make sure that the key tab or dot points in the left direction. The slots in the plastic of the breadboard should be straddled by the integrated circuits so that each of the pins on the integrated circuit can be electrically isolated from the others.

● While keeping the row-column connection pattern in mind, place the remaining components into the breadboard holes. If you need additional connections but a column has no more holes, all you need to do is put a jumper wire between that column and one that isn’t being utilized. After that, make connections between the power bus holes and the areas of the circuit that need DC power and ground by using jumper wires.If the circuit contains outputs, longer jumper wires should be inserted into the outputs, and then the outputs should be connected to the necessary external equipment.

● Verify each connection on the breadboard and repair any misplaced wires or components. Adjust the power supply’s current and voltage to match your circuit design, then switch it on and test it. If you need to make additional changes, you must turn off the power source, make the modifications, and then turn it back on.

Breadboard Vs Printed Circuit Board

On the one hand, a breadboard is typically the first step in the creation of a printed circuit board. With a breadboard, you can modify and relocate circuits that are otherwise permanent on a PCB.

In contrast, breadboards are used for design and inquiry, while boards are for your final products.

Printed Circuit Board: Advantages

● There is widely used in electronic devices.

● The board is permanent to have an electronic device worked.

● You can mount heat-sinks to the board so that have them rigid.

● A PCB has a cleaner look than a breadboard (when manufactured correctly).

● You can add terminals to your printed circuit board for external connections.

● Nobody is going to buy your great, fantastic, electronic design (product) on a breadboard.

● It is normally easier to understand the circuit on the board. None of those looping wires going everywhere.

● PCB has a better current carrying capacity comparing to a breadboard, you can make your traces wider to take more current so that work well.

Breadboard: Advantages

● It’s easy and fast to assemble as there are no permanent solder connections.

● You can also change various components such as the capacitor or resistor value.

● You can rapidly change connections and test various plans in a development phase.

● You can add an ammeter anywhere with shifting wires (breaking into) any branch of your circuit. ● In addition, the current measurement on PCBs necessitates breaking tracks or adding additional resistors to the design.

Types of Breadboard

Solderless Breadboards

Breadboards can be divided into two distinct categories, including solderless breadboards and breadboards that can be soldered.

Solderable Breadboards

Your electronic circuits can be set up in a way that is permanent with these types of breadboards. Breadboards of this type provide for a more robust arrangement. It has holes for electronic components such as copper tracing and incorporates the holes. These components can be soldered using a soldering iron in order to solder the components to the breadboard and create an electrical connection through the copper trace. This connection can be made using the soldering iron.

When creating a circuit, jumper wires are required to be soldered individually in between these various components in order to provide a path that will allow for the flow of current. These types of breadboards can be purchased in a range of sizes to accommodate a variety of requirements.


● Less cost and saves time while designing a circuit.

● These breadboards are robust and your circuit will be very secured.

● This type of breadboard imparts a more specialist look to your project.


● This board cannot be reused.

 De-soldering may damage components if a fault occurs in the circuit.

Solderless Breadboards

This is the most popular breadboard for testing and prototyping electronic circuits without soldering the components. There are a variety of sizes, shapes, and ratings available.

Because the circuits on these breadboards are not permanent, we may verify and test the functionality of a circuit before committing to its design on a PCB. The holes in the rows and columns of these breadboards accommodate component leads and wire gauges.

If the terminal of the component does not place into the hole of a breadboard, a connecting wire can be attached to the lead of a component that will fit into the breadboard hole.


● It doesn’t require soldering to connect the components on board.

 If the circuit is not functioning properly, we can easily examine and correct it by removing the components and replacing them.


● These breadboards are restricted to below or 10 MHz frequencies.

● The components attached to the breadboard may become loose if the board is pushed or moved.

● Because of the capacitances between different components that are close to each other, this type of breadboard has significant parasitic capacitances.


Breadboard circuit boards are essential for any anyone interested in electronics, particularly when it comes to the planning, troubleshooting, and testing of electronic components. After determining the most effective layout for your undertaking using the breadboard as a testing ground, you may then transform that into a printed circuit board (PCB). It goes without saying that a printed circuit board (PCB) is an irremovable component in electronics because it requires soldering; hence, the board has seen widespread application in electronic endeavors.

Not only does JarnisTech have a great deal of expertise in the production of quick-turn PCB prototypes and PCB assemblies, but also in the production of small and medium volumes of PCBs. We have three factories totaling over 15,000 square meters in size, and each one of them is fully compliant with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System standard.

All of the integrated circuit PCBs are of a very high quality and have certifications from UL, REACH, RoHS, and CE. Up to this point, we have been able to successfully complete over four thousand orders for printed circuit boards (PCBs) and assemblies each and every day, and the total number of our satisfied clients has now reached up to one hundred thousand.

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What is the Integrated Circuit (IC) Board?

What is the Integrated Circuit (IC) Board?

Circuit boards with integrated circuits (ICs) are practically inseparable from modern technology. Integrated circuits are most commonly found in high-density computer chips that aim to maximize the amount of space devoted to each component. They can be found in almost all of the modern electronic products and infrastructures.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of circuit board ICs if you are an end-user or a circuit designer. Continue reading to learn more about the many varieties, how they operate, the production methods, and other relevant information.

What is an IC Board? 

An integrated circuit board (IC board) is a specific kind of printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) that has integrated circuits (ICs) installed on the board. In most cases, you will solder an integrated circuit (IC) to the surface of the printed circuit board (PCB) assembly and the wires that are attached to it.

How do Integrated Circuit (IC) boards work?

The connections of the components enable the IC boards to function. Most of the time, their shapes and sizes are determined by the degree of integration intended for the board. Ultra-large-scale integration with billions of components is used in the billion-transistor processor era. It distinguishes between small-scale and medium-scale integration, which involves thousands of transistors.

The most common base technology is CMOS integrated circuit technology. However, one feature that all ICs share is the interconnection of wires that connect all of the components.

When connecting components to external devices, it is possible that mechanical assistance will be necessary at times. For this reason, some boards incorporate a frame or structure that allows for the connection of internal and exterior wires. In other circumstances, the IC boards provide the necessary electrical assistance to maintain the integrity of the electrical connection between the components.

IC Board Manufacturing Process

IC Circuit Board

IC board : Choose the best design

When making an integrated circuit board, the first thing that must be done is to select the design that will work best. Before making a choice, it is strongly suggested that you give careful consideration to all relevant aspects of the situation. This will guarantee that nothing will go wrong. You should think about the kinds of components you will employ, the quantity of those components that will be included in the design, and the amount of space that each component would require. You will be able to make  the best choose when you keep all of these considerations in mind.

IC board: Choose a PCB manufacturing company

Once a PCB designer completes a layout for a board that will work in producing a certain product, the next step is to figure out how to actually make the board. There are a few options, so think this through carefully before deciding. When deciding on a manufacturer, it’s important to weigh the company’s manufacturing procedures, output capacity, and service pricing in light of your needs. When you outsource the assembly of your product to a global manufacturer like JarnisTech PCB and Assembly, you can rest assured that it will meet or exceed all applicable quality standards thanks to their presence on a global scale.

IC board: Choose each design to manufacture

When selecting a PCB design, the designer needs to be aware of the manufacturing process in order to make an informed decision. This technique is highly critical. In the event that he does not do so, he runs the risk of selecting the inappropriate one for this product or of causing manufacturing issues. These issues may arise as a result of the fact that he does not take into account the complete procedure involved in the manufacturing of the board. In the event that this takes place, he will make blunders in both the design and the manufacture of the product.

IC board: Choose suppliers for components

Following the process of selecting the PCB manufacturing firm and designs, an engineer is required to compile a list of component suppliers. After that, he can approach them with his design requirements and request that they supply him with the necessary components.

IC board: Creating an assembly procedure

After all of the product’s components have been received, an engineer will need to devise a method of assembly in order to evaluate this product’s operational capabilities. Additionally, it is necessary for him to conduct tests on the boards in order to determine whether or not the manufacturing procedure is functioning appropriately.

IC board: Final Steps

The final step in the process of generating an IC circuit board is checking all of the design aspects of the component. This phase is extremely important because it will assist the engineer in making the most out of this product in the right way.

An engineer needs to take into account everything that has to do with the production of a product before he or she can decide which design is best to use.

CPU IC Component

What are the features of IC?

The term “integrated circuit” refers to a small electronic component. The transistors, resistors, capacitors, and inductors necessary for a circuit are interconnected using a specific technique on a tiny semiconductor wafer or dielectric substrate, and then packaged together. When all the parts of an electronic component are merged structurally, the result is a microstructure that performs the necessary circuit function. This is a significant advancement toward miniaturization, low power consumption, intelligence, and high reliability. The letter “IC” stands for it in the circuit. Jack Kirby (using germanium; Ge) and Robert Neuss (using silicon; Si) are the inventors of the integrated circuit. Integrated circuits made of silicon are used in the vast majority of today’s semiconductor applications.

The benefits of the integrated circuit are low cost, ease of mass production, and a long lifespan, excellent reliability, good performance, few lead wires and solder connections. Tape recorders, televisions, computers, etc., as well as the military, communication, remote controls, and other areas of electronic equipment, make extensive use of this technology. When compared to using transistors, the assembly density of electronic devices built using integrated circuits can be raised by a factor of tens to thousands, and the devices’ ability to maintain a steady state for longer periods of time during operation is also substantially enhanced.

What are the Types of ICs?

The following is an in-depth explanation of a few of the most common types of integrated circuits.

Classification: Package based

MCM IC Substrate: One type of integrated circuit (IC) is known as a multi-chip module, also known as an MCM IC substrate. This type of IC integrates a chip with a variety of functionalities into a single package. This is the outcome of the product having ideal performance thanks to its many features such as miniaturization, shortness, thinness, and lightness, amongst others. Because so many chips are being packaged onto a single package, the sort of substrate being used does not perform particularly well in terms of signal interference, routing, or thermal dissipation.

BGA IC Substrate: These integrated circuits function best when their heat is dissipated. Electrically, it performs incredibly well, and it has the potential to significantly expand the number of pins on-chip. Because of this, ICs with more than 300 pins are the greatest candidates for such packaging.

FC IC Substrate: Flip Chip, also known as FC IC, is a type of packaging that is acquired through the process of flipping chips. This type of packaging offers several advantages over traditional methods of chip packaging, including a lower signal interference ratio, lower losses in the circuit, higher performance, and efficient thermal dissipation.

CSP IC Substrate: An integrated circuit like this one is made up of a single chip that has been packaged together. It is scaled down to a smaller size, has a lower weight, and provides nearly the same functionality as an IC. These types of integrated circuit substrates are typically used in devices that contain memory, such as those used in the telecommunications sector and the electronics industry, particularly in situations where only a limited number of pins are required on-chip.

Classification: Material based

Ceramic IC Substrate: Ceramic materials like as silicon carbide, aluminum nitride, aluminum oxide, etc., are used in the primary production of such integrated circuits. It has a relatively small coefficient of thermal expansion, somewhere in the range of 6–8 ppm per degree Celsius.

Rigid IC Substrate: An IC of this kind can be fabricated using epoxy resin, ABF resin, or BT resin, or all three. The thermal expansion coefficient of such an integrated circuit is between 13 and 17 ppm per degree Celsius.

Flex IC Substrate: An integrated circuit like this one can be produced using PE or PI resin, and its coefficient of thermal expansion ranges from 13 to 27 ppm per degree Celsius.

Classification: Bonding Technology-based

The following is a significant classification based on the application of bonding technology:

●FC bonding.

●Wire bonding.

●Tape automated bonding.

BGA IC Assembly

How do I install IC?

Leads and their respective pinouts are contained within an integrated circuit. In addition, prior to installing the integrated circuit, it is quite beneficial to spend some time familiarizing oneself with the various leads. A lead has an internal connection that is connected to another pad on the PCB or to another device.

Solder is the most common method for connecting leads to pins on an integrated circuit (IC), however leads can also be attached to pins via wire bonding, wire-bonding pins, or metal plating on the leads.

Sometimes, Epoxy or resin can be used occasionally as a substitute for the traditional method of attaching integrated circuits to printed circuit boards (PCBs).

The first step that needs to be done is to get the printed circuit board (PCB) and any other pieces of equipment, like conduits and power supply modules, ready to be connected. The second phase should be selecting and designing the IC, as well as any connected components and wiring (other ICs or parts on the PCB or devices like diodes). Soldering is the final step in completing the assembly of electronic parts and connections.

IC Boards : Installation Process

Follow these design criteria precisely before installing an IC board:

1.Before beginning the assembly process, you need to make sure you have all of the necessary tools ready. The soldering iron is an important piece of equipment to have here. The temperature should be between 220 and 270 degrees Celsius; exceeding this range would cause the insulation to break down, lead to thermal shocks, and eventually cause damage to the IC material.

2.Ensure that the component leads are not scratched. For example, using metal tweezers causes harm to the authorities and increases the risk that they may break off.

3.Avoid using static electricity inducers, such as a hairdryer, on the IC pins.

4.Avoid making unnecessary contact with the surface of the integrated circuit. For example, too much solder and flux can cause the board to become damaged.

5.The integrated circuit should never be subjected to situations that involve bending, twisting, extreme heat, or dampness.

6.Finally, a test run on the IC is necessary to finish the coupling. Such a check verifies that the circuits or devices are functioning properly.

Types of damage to common ICs and Safeguard Procedures

Integrated Circuits (ICs) that are mounted on Printed Circuit Boards are susceptible to two primary forms of damage: physical damage and electrical damage. However, there are numerous other forms of damage to ICs that do not fit well into either of these categories (e.g., misapplication, inappropriate handling, etc.).

Physical Damage

One form of physical damage is the bending of circuit boards, which can short out components. Because of this, the flexing star points (little metal pins connecting the board to the IC) often become bent or broken.

Electrical Damage

The solder joint that connects the leads of the IC to the pads on the PCB might be compromised by electrical damage. It is possible for it to cause a short circuit or an open circuit. In most cases, bent leads connecting to other pads characterize a short circuit, whereas broken leads characterize an open circuit.

Safeguard Procedures

● Because integrated circuits are extremely delicate and easily damaged by vibration or shaking, you need to handle them with extreme caution. The reason for this is that an integrated circuit is extremely fragile and small, making it susceptible to damage if it is dropped or struck by debris.

● Individual ICs can be easily damaged by exposure to particular substances. For instance, exposing some integrated circuits (ICs) to solvents can wreak havoc on their functionality. Take extra precautions to ensure that they are not placed in any areas where they could be exposed to potentially harmful chemicals.

● When we are mounting the IC on the circuit board, we need to exercise caution. After applying flux to the pads and leads of the integrated circuit, you should then use your index finger or your thumb to firmly press the leads down onto their pads.

● Ceramic packages are used for some integrated circuits, and we need to exercise caution when handling them. They are extremely delicate and prone to shattering if they are dropped or come into contact with any kind of material.

●Some integrated circuits use a polysilicon packaging, which causes them to be fragile if they are directly inspected. This occurs as a result of the package heating up to a large degree.

● When working with these sorts of integrated circuits (ICs), you need to exercise extreme caution since it is quite easy for them to become broken or to break off during the process of handling, and they may also overheat and potentially become damaged due to the excessive heat.

Integrated Circuit Board

IC Boards : Work Mechanisms

The mechanism of an integrated circuit board is dependent on a sturdy and reliable device foundation in order to connect a chip made of semiconductor material. Electronic engineers can more easily install a variety of devices that use one or more integrated circuits with the assistance of the IC boards.

The majority of IC boards just require a single power supply to run all of the connected devices. Therefore, if there is a problem with the connection on the IC board, it will have an effect on all of the components that are connected.

IC Board Vs.PCB Board

An integrated circuit is a tiny electronic circuit. When compared to the IC, the internal chip is quite small, making it difficult to connect directly to the PCB. On the other hand, the IC can be linked to the PCB with relative ease. An integrated circuit (IC) is the name given to the portion of the motherboard that contains both the northbridge chip and the CPU. Its original name was an integrated block.

PCB is a material that is utilized in practically all electronic devices. PCBs of varying sizes are put on circuit boards in any device that contains electronic components. The primary role of printed circuit boards (PCBs), in addition to securing smaller components, is to connect one another. 

In a nutshell, an integrated circuit is the culmination of the integration of multiple conventional circuits into a single chip; it is a unit. When the chip’s internals are damaged, the chip itself will also be harmed. Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are used to connect integrated circuits and discrete components so that a larger functioning circuit can be created. The printed circuit board (PCB) itself is capable of soldering components and, in the event that it becomes damaged, replacing components. In the days before printed circuit boards (PCBs), components were “point-to-point wired,” meaning that wires were utilized to connect each component directly to the next. In comparison to PCBs, this approach was unreliable and a headache to implement. You can watch the video that has been provided below for more information in-depth.

Application of ICs on PCBs

Integrated circuits (ICs) typically have leads integrated inside of them so that they may be attached to circuit boards. There are three primary categories of application patterns that are typically found on circuit boards:

Through Hole: This sort of PCB usage is not as prevalent as surface mounted, but we use it in more sophisticated PCBs that require lots of IC connections. This type of PCB usage is typically utilized on less space-sensitive equipment.

Surface Mount: This kind of application is used for the vast majority of integrated circuits (ICs). In most cases, we find them on machinery that has a limited amount of available space, such as printing machines, medical equipment, packaging gear, and other similar types of machinery. We are able to locate this kind of circuit board with any IC installed on it.

Hybrid: This form of connection typically employs a combination of through-hole and surface mount connections to the integrated circuit (IC).

Applications of the circuit board IC 

The application of the integrated circuit board is extremely widespread. The following are some examples of them:

Medical: The use of circuit boards in medical equipment is also very beneficial to that industry. You can find them in a variety of medical devices, including as endoscopes, blood pressure monitors, X-ray machines, and so on.

Automation: In general, circuit boards are helpful in the automation of processes for both the makers and the end consumers of these products. Robots, packaging lines, printing machines, timers, and other devices are all examples of automation applications that make use of circuit boards.

Industrial control: As we know, its importance cannot be overstated in the context of industrial procedures. Consequently, industrial robots, automated control systems (ACS), forklifts, and factory automation can all profit from the use of microcontroller circuit integrated circuits.

Miscellaneous Electrical: In general, the functionality of a significant number of electrical devices is dependent on integrated circuits (ICs). A circuit board is required to control the electrical signals that are applied in order for the lights, fans, and remote controls to function properly.

Test: In a similar vein, they are useful in the areas of instrumentation, test chambers, measurement equipment, and so on.

Vacuum: They are common components in specialist equipment, such as those used for servicing and maintaining vacuum systems. Applications such as these vacuum systems are helpful additions to food processing factories as well as warehouses.

Mechanical: In addition to their use in electronic devices, IC boards are also commonly found in mechanical and assembly line equipment. Conveyors, robotic arms, pick-and-place units, and other specialized machinery are all included in this category.

Perfect Circuit Board IC

How to choose a Perfect Circuit Board IC?

A circuit board’s main function is to join together the parts of a single power supply unit. So, let’s talk about how to pick the perfect circuit board ICs for you:

● The first step is to pick a decent design that supports the function of your circuit board IC. These factors include the price of the materials required, the sizes of the components, and the simplicity of fabrication.

● Additionally, make sure you are familiar with the features and operation of the PCB design you have chosen.

● Once more, confirm that the manufacturing procedures adhere to the necessary criteria.

The PCB engineer should be well-versed in all of these processes. Therefore, it works as intended when he uses these unique design strategies.

Summary: Why Choose Us

JarnisTech, which specializes in prototype and production volumes and has been the industry leader in quick turn PCB manufacturing since 2003, first developed single- and double-sided printed circuit boards for the consumer electronics sector. Among the top 4 board fabricators in Asia, JarnisTech is renowned for its ability to complete orders quickly and for consistently completing shipments on schedule.

Today, we have over 1500 workers and ultra-modern facilities to produce multi-layer PCBs with anywhere between four and sixty layers. supporting with a team of qualified engineers and an established quality system JarnisTech has developed into a significant PCB producer in Asia, serving a variety of markets including electronics for appliances, communications, education, power supplies, automation, etc.

Our goal is to become a producer of printed circuit boards that offers one-stop service, specializes in providing products of the highest possible quality, and is committed to achieving complete and utter satisfaction for our clients

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What is Different About PCB and PCBA?

What is Different About PCB and PCBA?

As the basic hardware for the majority of the electronics we use on a daily basis, printed circuit boards merge all the passive components and integrated circuits to create complex circuitry. This page discusses the primary distinctions between PCBA and PCB.

What is the PCB?

PCB is an abbreviation for “printed circuit board,” and it refers to three different things: an essential electronic component, a support for other electronic components, and a carrier for the electrical connection of other electronic components. Because it is produced by the process of electronic printing, this type of circuit board is referred to as a “printing” circuit board. PCBs are printed circuit boards, and China is home to thousands of firms that offer a variety of services related to PCB fabrication. Some companies specialize in metal core PCBs, while others concentrate on more complicated PCBs, such as hdi PCBs or 10 layer PCBs, as well as bare led printed circuit boards.

10 Layer HDI PCBs

Materials used in PCBs

PCBs can be fabricated from a wide variety of substrates and materials; the choice of substrate is determined by the application criteria and the operating conditions. When designing a printed circuit board (PCB), engineers select the material based on a number of criteria, including the dielectric constant, flame retardance, loss factors for high-speed applications, mechanical strength, and thermal performance. Insulating laminate makes up the core substrate of a printed circuit board (PCB), which is known as the middle layer. The term “prepreg” refers to the insulating material that is sandwiched between two successive conducting layers.

The following materials are utilized in PCB production:


After being processed by specialized machines known as prepreg treaters, a glass fabric is given a resin coating before being allowed to dry. These typically consist of FR4 epoxy resin, polyimide, Teflon, and a few other materials. The resin is kept in place thanks to the glass’s role as a mechanical substrate. This particular resin begins to melt when it is subjected to high temperatures, and once all of the resin in the prepreg has melted, the material hits a thermosetting point, at which time it re-hardens and becomes exceedingly rigid. A variety of products, including airplanes and boats, make use of prepreg during the production process.


Prepreg laminates, which are also commonly known as copper-clad laminates, are made up of sheets of prepreg that are laminated together using heat and pressure. They also have sheets of copper foil on both sides, and once the resin has hardened, the PCB laminates are similar to a plastic composite with sheets of copper foil because they both have copper foil sheets on both sides.

Solder mask

In electronic circuitry, a solder mask is an insulating layer that is typically green in color (although the color can be changed to suit the specifications of the individual customer). It is layered on top of the traces to protect the copper traces underneath from becoming oxidized when they are exposed to moisture. They also prevent the tracks from being shorted out if any conducting material is placed on a live printed circuit board. Solder masks not only extend the life of a printed circuit board (PCB), but they also leave space for the silkscreen to be applied.


A silkscreen is a layer of ink trace that is used to name components and mark the boundary between those components. They help make printed circuit boards more readable and are useful in troubleshooting. They also assist in personalizing a printed circuit board (PCB) by adding company logos and names.

What are the Different Types PCB?

Bare PCB Types

Single-Layer PCB

Single-sided printed circuit boards, also known as single-sided PCBs, are the most common and basic type of PCB, and they are used in the majority of electronic products.

The single-layer printed circuit board (PCB) has one coat of copper, which serves as the conducting material; a layer of solder mask, which prevents the PCB from oxidizing; and a silkscreen, which labels the components that are on the PCB.

This printed circuit board is utilized in manufacturing that is both large-scale and cost-effective.

Double Layer PCB

These printed circuit boards (PCBs) are distinguished from their one-sided counterparts by the presence of a copper layer on both sides of the board, hence the alternative name “double-sided PCBs.”

The benefit of using copper as a conducting layer on both sides is that it enables smaller PCBs.

These printed circuit boards are used in a variety of electronic devices, including phones and power converters.

Multi-Layer PCB

These printed circuit boards (PCBs) have more than two layers of the conductive material copper.

In most cases, they are manufactured by adhering together two layers of double-sided printed circuit boards (PCBs) using an insulating adhesive that is resistant to heat. These PCBs find their way into intricate technological devices.

Higher component density and greater design complexity are both made possible by multi-layer printed circuit boards.

Applications for PCBs

PCB is utilized in virtually all electrical devices, from mobile phones to LED lamps and everything in between. Every single electrical product on the market today has a PCB at its core. The use of printed circuit boards (PCBs) is growing as electronics and their applications spread throughout practically every sector of the economy. Nearly every sector is searching for ways to automate their processes with the help of more sophisticated technology, which has led to an increase in the usage of electronics.

In the realm of healthcare, numerous electronic scanners, monitoring, and measuring devices are utilized in order to keep track of the many health parameters of patients. It is necessary for these machines to operate with the highest possible degree of precision and accuracy. As a result, high-density interconnect PCBs, sometimes known as HDI boards, have been purpose-built specifically for this use. In some applications, the movement of pieces is required to be frequent; hence, flexible laminates are utilized for the same purpose.

PCB is used as the substrate in a wide variety of consumer electronics, including smartphones, household appliances, and entertainment systems. These printed circuit boards (PCBs) are manufactured at a low cost and great volume due to the use of mass production, which also ensures that quality and safety standards are met. Laminates of the FR4 epoxy type are frequently utilized in various consumer electronics applications. Machines, power converters, and devices for measuring power are all intended for PCBs that are able to withstand extreme heat, moisture, and chemicals when used in industrial applications. In most cases, polyimide laminate with copper that is twice as thick is employed for these sorts of applications.

What is the PCBA?

Surface Mount Technology PCB Assembly

Assembly of PCBs is referred to as PCBA. A method known as surface encapsulation is used in order to complete the assembly of a variety of electronic components on the circuit board. After that comes the box assembly, which is when the printed circuit board (PCB) and the outer case are put together to make the final product. In other words, the PCB bare board goes through the SMT top part and then goes through the whole process of the DIP plug-in, which is referred to as the PCBA.

This is a method that is generally used in the country, and the usual form of writing in Europe and America is PCB’A, which adds a slant point to the beginning of each letter. PCB Assembly refers to the bare board that already has the assembly attached to it. When developing new electrical designs, engineers typically start with a prototype printed circuit board assembly (Sample PCBA) before moving on to full-scale production. after that, make a few updates and, if the market is successful, move on to mass production.

How Many types PCB Assembly Method?

The sourcing of electronic components is an important part of the PCBA manufacturing process before mounting them. These components are chosen during the PCB design phase based on the application requirements. Resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, and microprocessor chips are classified into two types based on their mounting: surface mounted and through-hole mounted.

Surface-Mount Technology

Surface-mount technology, often known as SMT, refers to an assembly method that attaches electronic components to the top layer of a printed circuit board (PCB). It has a high degree of automation and flexibility, and it enables a larger connection density than other systems. It gives manufacturers the ability to pack intricate circuitry into relatively small components.

PCBA SMT has 4 Main Steps:

Preparing the PCB: First, the assembler applies solder paste to the areas of the board where it is required.

Placing the components: The next step is for the assembler to install the components on the board, usually with the aid of a pick-and-place machine.

Reflow soldering: After that, the boards are heated in a reflow oven by the assembler until the solder paste reaches the temperature necessary for the formation of solder joints.

Inspection: The assembler is responsible for performing inspections at multiple points throughout the SMT process. These inspections take place before component attachment, as well as before and after reflow soldering.

Through Hole Technology PCB Assembly

2. Thru-Hole Technology

In the assembly process known as thru-hole technology, holes are drilled into a printed circuit board (PCB), and it is through these holes that leads, which are electronic components, are attached. It is an older technique than SMT, but it creates a stronger connection between the board and the components, which in turn makes for more durable and reliable assemblies.

The assembly process for through-hole components can be either entirely or partially automated. The following are the stages that comprise the PCBA thru-hole process:

Drilling the holes: Drilling holes into the circuit board is the first stage in the process of installing thru-holes. These holes have to have a specific size in order to accommodate the component leads.

Placing the leads: After that, the assembler will insert the leads into the appropriate holes.

Soldering: The soldering stage is the next one to be completed in the process. This step ensures that the components are secured in their proper positions.

Inspection: Several checks are performed all the way through the process to make sure that the printed circuit board assembly will work as intended.

What is Different About PCB and PCBA?

While the term “PCB” refers to the bare circuit board, “PCBA” refers to the circuit board plug-in assembly that is performed using the SMT process. The first one is a completed board, whereas the second one is just a bare boards.

PCB stands for Printed Circuit Board. It is made of epoxy glass resin and is divided into four, six, or eight layers depending on the number of signal layers. The most common layers are 4 and 6. Chips are attached to the bare board.

A printed circuit board assembly, or PCBA, is sometimes referred to as a finished circuit board; however, a PCBA can only be manufactured if all of the processes on the circuit board have been completed.

Printed Circuit Board +Assembly: PCBA

In other words, the PCBA process involves the bare circuit board going through the SMT patch and then the full process of the DIP plug-in.

PCB stands for printed circuit board. A printed circuit is, in most cases, referred to as a conductive pattern that is generated on top of a conductive material in accordance with a preset design in order to create either a printed circuit, a printed component, or a combination of the two. A printed circuit is a pattern of conductors printed on an insulating substrate that creates an electrical connection between the components of the circuit.

Therefore, the completed board of printed circuit or printed circuit is referred to as a printed circuit board, which is also referred to as printed board or bare printed circuit board.

Standard printed circuit boards (PCB) do not contain any components on the top and are more commonly known as “Printed Wiring Boards” (PWB).

JarnisTech is a PCB manufacturing and assembly factory in China. In order to offer the electronic industry a fast turnaround time and a high level of quality control, we produces both bare led printed circuit boards and PCB assemblies on the same premises.

Printed Circuit Board Factory

PCB&PCBA: How to Choose a Good Printed Circuit Boards Manufacturer

You must pay special attention to a few aspects when outsourcing the customized PCB prototype to create the PCBA.

● Printed circuit board production should be the sole focus of the PCB company, not just being a simple broker.

● Maybe some manufacturers that will put a cap on your order. It is known as the Minimum Order Limit (MOL). A reputable producer of circuit boards would never place limits on the quantity of printed boards that you can purchase from them. You should be able to place an order of any quantity, from the bare minimum to the maximum.

● In order to manufacture PCBAs, the manufacturer needs to be familiar with a variety of PCB soldering procedures. It encompasses surface-mount technology, through-hole soldering, and manual soldering.

●Another important factor to consider is the lead time. You must ensure that PCBAs are delivered on time. Furthermore, the delivery must include DFM information (Design for Manufacturability). The DFM is required because your desired device cannot be manufactured without it.

● The cost of the PCBA has to be reasonable and negotiable in order to remain competitive. You should be able to negotiate the price with the manufacturer in order to receive the best prices.

Are you looking for a PCBA provider who can meet all of these needs and wondering where to find one? The good news is that JarnisTech is here to fulfill your requirements. Our skilled technical staff and the working team are responsible for preparing a variety of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and assembling them with electronic components.

In addition, We also offer competitive prices and have no minimum order requirements. You can get a completely constructed PCB in quantities ranging from one piece to one hundred thousand pieces. And finally, but by no means least JarnisTech assures that your orders will be delivered on time and that the quality of every component will be tested and certified.

Our PCB and PCBA Services

PCB production and assembly is one of JarnisTech’s specialties. We offer a wide range of options, from completely automated processes to accurate hand assembly, SMT and thru-hole technology, and board-level to full-box build assembly.

When you partner with JarnisTech, you can get our years of industry experience, prompt service, and superior products at your disposal. You can get in touch with us online, give us a call at 0086-755-23034656, or submit a quote request here to get more information about how our PCB fabrication and assembly services can assist you in achieving your printed circuit boards project.

An Overview of Through-hole Technology (THT)

An Overview of Through-hole Technology (THT)

Early methods of electronics assembly, such point-to-point construction, were almost entirely supplanted by through-hole technology. Every component on a standard PCB was a through-hole component from the 1950s’ second generation of computers until the mid 1980s, when surface-mount technology (SMT) started to gain popularity. PCBs initially had tracks printed on just one side, then both sides, and finally multi-layer boards.

In order for the components to make contact with the necessary electrical layers, the through holes were converted into plated-through holes, abbreviated PTH for short. Plated-through holes are not necessary for creating component connections when using SMT boards. However, they are still utilized for making interconnections between the layers of the board, and while serving in this capacity, they are more commonly referred to as vias.

Through Hole Technology (THT): What is It?

The term “through hole technology” refers to a method for the construction of electronic circuits that involves inserting pin-through hole (PTH) components onto printed circuit boards by way of holes that have been drilled into the boards (PCBs). After that, equipment for wave soldering or re-flow soldering is used to attach the leads, also known as the ends, to the pads on the other side of the board using molten metal solder. The term “through hole assembly” is also used to refer to this process.

Advantages & Disadvantages of THT

Surface Mount Technology PCB Assembly Equipment


THT provides superior mechanical connections compared to SMT, making it appropriate for components that are mechanically strained, such as connectors and transformers. Because of the considerable spacing between the holes, manually soldering the constituents is made more simpler. In addition, THT constituents may be simply swapped out for one another, making them an excellent choice for testing and prototyping.

Components made from THT are ideal for use in long-lasting goods that call for strong interlayer connections. THT connections enable components to withstand greater environmental pressures than SMT connections, which only rely on solder on the board’s surface to keep components in place.

As a result, the technique is widely used in goods that are utilized in the military and the aerospace industry and are subjected to extreme circumstances such as high heat, tremendous thrust, or vibrations.


When utilizing Through Hole, you will need to drill holes in the bare PCB, which is an expensive and time-consuming process. Because the drilled holes on THT boards have to traverse all of the layers, the accessible configuration area on multilayered boards can be reduced as a result. Because the constituent configuration levels of THM are far lower than those of surface mount, the technology is exorbitantly expensive for the majority of applications.

In addition to this, THT requires the use of wave, selective, or manual soldering processes, all of which are considerably less effective and dependable in comparison to the reflow ovens that are utilized in SMT. The most notable difference between THT and SMT is that THT involves soldering on both sides of the board, whereas SMT only requires soldering on one side.

Through-hole Circuit Board Assembly : Why Choose Us

This is used frequently to fulfill the high reliability requirements of the military and aerospace business, as well as in power electronics, which generate a lot of heat. Additionally, this is utilized in some applications to meet the standards of other industries. Other motivating factors include the requirement to use antiquated components or conventional connectors that feature through-holes. THT, which stands for through hole technology, is still a reliable approach for PCB assembly.

PTH Plated Through Hole PCB Assembly

However, despite the fact that it results in stronger mechanical bonding, through-hole mounting necessitates a more tedious assembly procedure, which results in an increase in the cost of producing the boards. In order to complete the assembly, component lead needs to be placed through holes and then clipped. There is a possibility that the component leads will need to be pre-formed. It may be necessary to use solder tacking or to bend the legs of the component in order to keep the parts in place while the soldering is being done.

No matter what your industry, you can rely on our professional experience and knowledge regarding the best mounting technology to use for your specific needs. In order to guarantee the best possible outcomes, our THT experts have undergone extensive training in accordance with IPC-A-160 requirements.

Our extensive capabilities range from manual assembly and hand soldering all the way up to automated soldering of radial and axial components. Hand assembly and manual soldering are also included in this category. For the most majority of THT component soldering, selective soldering machines are the method of choice. A compact three-axis moveable wave solder head is at the core of a selective soldering machine. The machines pre-heat the printed circuit board (PCB) and individually solder each component lead at a rate that is several times faster than can be done manually, with a consistency that can only be achieved by computer control.

Each solder joint can have its own individualized programming for the optimal rate of solder wave application, dwell time, and solder wave withdrawal. Because the geometry of the solder wave application does not change, it is possible to achieve absolute reproducibility without subjecting the operator to fatigue.

In addition, you can utilize our in-house auxiliary services, such as conformal coating, for the completion of your product.

Components Types of Through Hole Technology

Active and passive components can be roughly differentiated from one another when discussing the components of plated through hole circuit boards, just as is the case with all other types of components. The mounting process for each variety of component on the board is exactly the same. It is necessary for the designer to incorporate through-holes into the PCB layout. These hols should be surrounded by pads on the surface layer for soldering purposes.

The procedure of mounting components using through-holes is very straightforward; all that is required is to place the component leads into the holes and then solder the exposed lead to the pad. Components on plated through-hole circuit boards are typically large and sturdy enough to allow for straightforward hand soldering. Because the component leads on passive through-hole components can often be fairly long, it is common practice to clip them down to a more manageable length before mounting them.

Through Hole Technology Components

Active Through-hole Components

If you think back to the integrated circuits you used in your previous electronics lessons, you’ll probably remember that they came in either a dual-inline package (DIP) or a plastic DIP (PDIP). In the course of proof-of-concept development, these components are typically seen installed on breadboards; nevertheless, in actual PCBs, they are utilized rather frequently. Active through-hole components, such as op-amp packages, low-power voltage regulators, and a great deal of other typical components, frequently come in the DIP package.

Other components, such as transistors, greater power voltage regulators, quartz resonators, higher power LEDs, and many others, may come in a zig-zag in-line package (ZIP) or a transistor outline (TO) package. These additional packages mount to a PCB in a manner that is analogous to that of axial or radial passive through-hole technology.

The invention of through-hole components occurred at a time when designers were more concerned with mechanically reliable electronic systems and less concerned with aesthetics and signal integrity. Less emphasis was placed on minimizing component size, and signal integrity issues were not a priority. Later, as power consumption, signal integrity, and board space constraints were paramount, designers were compelled to use components with the same electrical capability but in a smaller packaging. This is the purpose of surface-mount components.

Passive Through-Hole Technology

The two possible packaging types for passive through-hole components are radial and axial. Electrical leads on an axial through-hole component follow the axis of symmetry of the component. Consider a basic resistor. Its cylindrical axis is traversed by the electrical lines. The same mounting method is used for many capacitors, inductors, and diodes. Some through-hole components, such as high power resistors, come in rectangular packages with a lead wire running down the length of the package; not all through-hole components come in cylindrical packages.

On the other hand, radial components have electrical leads that stick out of one end of the component. Many big electrolytic capacitors are packaged in this manner, which makes it possible for them to be mounted to a board by putting the lead through a hole pad while also allowing them to occupy a smaller amount of area on the circuit board. Other components such as switches, LEDs, tiny relays, and fuses come packaged as radial through-hole components.

Get the Assistance You Need to Choose the Proper Components

The question now is, what kind of component package should you employ for your circuit board? The correct response is that it is dependent on the design, the quantity of boards that need to be constructed, and the production process that will be employed. You are in luck since the PCB contract manufacturer you work with can provide you with some good assistance in finding the answers you need. These individuals have spent years guiding designers through the process of selecting the most appropriate components for their designs using the following tools and resources:

● Component engineers can assist you in making choices about parts depending on the requirements of the application.

● Design engineers are needed to assist in changing parts and making alterations to the circuitry so that the design will have the highest possible electrical performance.

● Engineers in manufacturing can aid in the selection of suitable components, leading to more streamlined manufacturing procedures.

● During times of supply chain shortages, it is the responsibility of procurement professionals to locate the highest quality original parts at the most competitive costs.

● At Jarnistech we has been assisting customers with the component selection process for well over 20 years, and we have earned a reputation for providing quality service in this time period. We are able to assist you in determining which through-hole components will be the most suitable for your design while simultaneously answering any queries that you may have regarding the design or layout of these parts.

PCB Wave Soldering

Through Hole Technology Process vs. Surface Mount Technology Process

Assembly using through hole technology (also known as THT) has been around for the better part of a century (since the 1940s), and it has been demonstrated to be extremely reliable, capable of securing large components, and able to maintain connectivity in the face of high power and high temperatures. Surface mount technology, often known as SMT, was developed to accept smaller and lighter components, and it performs a good job of doing so. In addition to being more cost-efficient than THT, SMT allows for more complicated trace routing to be implemented.

Whatever the manner of assembly, J-STD-001, J-STD-002, and J-STD-003 standards for solder joint quality must be followed. Whether you use SMT or THT for assembly, the fundamental steps are roughly the same. The fundamental steps in printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) are as follows:

● Preparing the Bare Circuit board from the manufacturing process.

● Component position.

● The soldering of parts.

● Verification and correction.

● Cleaning the PCB board.

● Depanelization.

The difference between THT and SMT assembly is in how the components are placed and soldered.

Through Hole Technology Process Steps

Component placement: THT requires the leads or pins of the components to be put through the board.

Inspection and correction: Any placement mistakes will be fixed here.

Wave soldering: A “wave” of solder is passed over one side of the circuit board when wave soldering is being performed. During the course of the wave, the through-hole components are soldered concurrently as the board is moving.

Surface Mount Technology Process Steps

Solder paste application: In surface-mount technology (SMT), the components are held in place with an initial layer of solder paste before they are soldered.

Component mounting: Components are mounted on footprints made up of conductor pads that will be soldered together to provide electrical connections.

Reflow soldering:The process of reflow soldering is carried out in an oven, which can reach temperatures as high as 235 degrees Celsius.

Summary-What Is the Best Approach for You?

One Stop Service Printed Circuit Boards

It can be difficult to determine which setup approach will provide your board its best chance of success in bringing your idea to life. Over ninety percent of printed circuit boards (PCBs) manufactured today employ surface mount technology; but, which of the available options is the most suitable for you? When compared to through-hole technology, surface mounting almost universally exhibits higher levels of efficiency and is more cost-effective. It enables a lightweight design while at the same time allowing for a high component density.

The requirement for THT mounting will however persist due to special mechanical, electrical, and thermal considerations, guaranteeing its continuous significance for the foreseeable future.

Are you unsure whether through-hole printed circuit boards are the best option for your project? Give us a call or send an email to [email protected] with your ideas. Our knowledgeable representatives can assist you in determining the best type of printed circuit boards for your project.

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What Are IPC Standards of PCB?

What Are IPC Standards of PCB?

The Institute of Printed Circuits, formed in 1957, is one of the most significant organizations in the electronics manufacturing business in the United States, if not the world. In 1999, it was renamed “Association Of Connecting Electronics Industries,” but the mark and abbreviation, IPC, remained unchanged.

As a global industry organization, IPC is dedicated to increasing member companies’ competitiveness and assisting them in achieving commercial success. IPC will specifically commit to more advanced management practices, advanced technology, the establishment of industry-related standards, the promotion of environmental protection, and associated government connections.

IPC enables reliable, high-quality electronics by defining the accepted standards that fuel the worldwide electronics industry’s success. Our industry-wide standards simply convey and clarify expectations for everyone in the business. IPC standards contribute to higher quality, dependability, and consistency in electronics manufacturing.

IPC offers approximately 300 active multilingual industry standards spanning practically every stage of the electronics product development cycle. More than 3,000 electronic industry professionals are involved in the creation of these standards.

What Is IPC PCB?

Because IPC develops standards for the electrical and electronics industries, it also plays an important role in the development of standards for PCBs in the PCB industry. IPC standards for PCB manufacturing can be found at every level of the PCB manufacturing process, including design and manufacture.

For example, at the start of the PCB design process, IPC establishes standards for file formats, PCB design tools, design guides, and electronic product documentation. These standard PCB requirements also influence the materials used in PCB board assembly, surface mount devices, and surface finishes. They also help to test and judge the acceptability of printed circuit boards.

IPC PCB guidelines also specify the soldering of electrical and electronic components on PCBs. Soldering standards are frequently associated with reflow and wave soldering, as well as solder splices. Companies also rely on them to determine whether their electrical and electronic assemblies are suitable for production. Cable and wire harness assemblies are likewise covered by IPC specifications. Finally, they provide acceptance requirements for the fabrication, inspection, and testing of electronic enclosures prior to the distribution of the PCB as a finished product.

IPC4101C Circuit Boards

Class of IPC Standards of PCB

Class 1 & General Electronics: This is the lowest class. This class defines the function of the entire assembly for most general electronics.

Class 2 & Dedicated Service Electronics: This type of product is intended to operate in any environment and typically provides continuous service. These products must be long-lasting and dependable. Microwaves and laptop computers are two examples.

Class 3 & High-Performance Electronics: These products must deliver continuous performance in any environment without downtime in the highest class category. This class contains medical devices such as life-support systems.

IPC Standards for PCB Design, Manufacture, and Assembly

The following are a few IPC standards that are widely used and have a substantial impact on PCB manufacture.

IPC-6011: Standard Performance Requirements for Printed Boards. In order to provide broad standards and obligations for printed board suppliers and users, this specification serves as the foundation for the IPC-6010 printed board performance series specifications. It is used in conjunction with IPC-6012–IPC6018 and outlines the requirements for quality and reliability assurance that must be fulfilled.

IPC-D-275This standard specifies standards and other factors to be considered when designing stiff printed circuit boards and printed circuit board assemblies.

IPC-4101C :Base material parameters for rigid and multilayer boards are provided. This standard Included the size and properties of the boards.

IPC-6012B:This specification addresses rigid printed board performance. It concerns the surface coating, conductor spacing, and structural integrity of the finished product. Solderability and conductor spacing are also included.

IPC-A-600F:This is the industry’s most often utilized IPC standard. This standard is well-known around the world and is available in a variety of languages. Lead and lead-free connectivity are included.

IPC-A-620: This is the standard for cable, wire, and harness assemblies, first introduced in 2002. Founded in collaboration with the Wire Harness Manufacturers Association. This standard, which is also available in other languages, is recognized internationally as the standard for end-product acceptability.

IPC-TM-650: Provides testing criteria for many features of PCBs. IPC-TM-650, for example, provides a framework for assessing electrochemical migration. All tests are detailed in the IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual.

IPC-6012B: It defines PCB fabrication and performance parameters . parameters such as structure integrity, solderability, conductivity, component spacing, and so forth.

IPC-2581: It specifies the conditions under which data between PCB designers and manufacturers can be exchanged. It also sets conditions  the criteria for generating data exchange formats such as Gerber files.

IPC-2221:It outlines PCB design guidelines. Material, PCB layout, mechanical and physical properties of the PCBs, and so on are all parameters to consider. Now that IPC standards have been introduced and discussed, it is critical to obtain PCB design and manufacturing services from an IPC certified company.

JarnisTech is a seasoned and dependable PCB manufacturer that specializes in IPC-compliant PCB design and production. They provide services to industries such as aerospace and satellite, telecommunications, industrial electronics, and many more. Their experience, together with the well-equipped facilities, ensures quality and client pleasure.

IPC-J-STD-001: Training and Certification Program for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies. IPC J-STD-001, Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, has established as the global standard for electronics assembly manufacturing. The standard specifies the materials, procedures, and verification criteria for high-quality soldered lead-free and lead-acid interconnections. It focuses on process control and establishes industry-wide consensus requirements for a wide range of electronic connections.

IPC-SM-9701: Surface Mount Solder Attachment Performance Test Methods and Qualification Requirements. This standard defines a defined experimental procedure for assessing the performance and durability of surface mount solder junctions in electronic assembly. The performance and dependability of surface mount solder junctions on rigid circuit boards, flexible circuit boards, and semi-rigid circuit boards can be classified using testing.

IPC-J STD001 PCB Assembly

How Can Ensure That Printed Circuit Boards Meet IPC Manufacturing and Assembly Standards?

Whether your board is an IPC class 1, class 2, or class 3 determines the restrictions, constraints, and tolerances for assembly and manufacturing. Class 1 is the least restrictive and is used for widely used PCBs that do not need to be stored for an extended period of time. Class 2 boards are common in computers and communications devices. Because reliable performance is desirable but not necessary, these boards are more strictly regulated. Class 3 PCBs are the most strictly controlled and are used in systems where failure might be catastrophic. Medical devices, such as life support, and aircraft vehicles are examples of them.

You should be aware with the IPC requirements for PCB manufacturing and assembly and undertake the following to guarantee that your boards adhere to them:

Cooperate with Qualified IPC Certified CM

Although selecting a CM has usually been left until after design, it is far better for your PCB development process if you do it right away. You can incorporate options and decisions that will help the manufacturing and assembly process and probably avoid delays, additional runs, and expenses by choosing the ideal assembly CM during or at the beginning of design.

Choose the Suitable IPC classification for Your Design

Even though your board may be designed for critical industry use, there may be circumstances in which it is preferable to choose IPC class 2 rather than class 3. For instance, if the failure of your board won’t affect the ability of the entire system to execute vital functions. Making this decision will make it easier to produce your boards. You can get advice from your CM on what will work best for your design.

Use DFM Specs that Meet or Exceed Your board’s IPC Categorization Requirements.

Your design should be guided by your CM’s equipment and process tolerances or DFM regulations for the greatest development results. Furthermore, the finest DFM incorporates design for assembly (DFA) for optimal manufacturing. These, however, must comply with the IPC categorization for your board.

Choosing whether your board is class 1, class 2, or class 3 is only one step in ensuring that the fabrication of your boards complies with the IPC criteria for PCB assembly. Following the guidelines for effective PCBA design, which include establishing an early rapport with a rich experiences CM, is the best method to make sure that these criteria are followed.

How IPC Standards Can Benefit PCB Manufacturers

Following these standards will benefit PCB producers in the following ways:

Maintaining Quality and Consistency: The IPC standards for PCB manufacturing, like any other industry standard, are intended to promote products quality among PCB makers. These regulations apply to all phases of manufacturing, as we know. Therefore, quality products can be expected from manufacturers who rigorously follow them. Manufacturers may guarantee consistent quality and eventually increase customer satisfaction by adhering to specifications and their expectations.

Make Sure There is Smooth Production and Assembly Flow: When following to IPC requirements for PCB manufacturing, it becomes vital to adhere to a specified streamlined and documented workflow, which aids in ensuring a seamless workflow within the team. The IPC standards also contribute to improved communication among suppliers, vendors, clients, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Building Brand Reputation: Recognizing the importance of PCBs, most OEMs prefer to deal with PCB manufacturing and assembly service providers who adhere to IPC guidelines for PCB production. This is because these standards help to reduce assembly or production faults and generate high-quality products. This assists manufacturers in building their brand reputation.

Cost Reduction: It goes without saying that adhering strictly to the quality requirements established by IPC standards for PCB manufacture would assist to reduce production errors and material loss, as well as the necessity for testing and inspection.

IPC SM9701 PCB Board Assembly

JarnisTech: PCB Design, Manufacturing, Assembly and Compoments Procurement


● Quality certifications include ISO-9001, IPC-600, and IPC-610.

● Accurate quote within 1 days.

● Completes the turnkey procedure in as little as three days.

 DFM is emphasized to reduce time-consuming back-and-forth design modifications.

● To shorten procurement time, sources components from the industry’s most trusted suppliers.

● Multiple automated checks are performed throughout assembly to verify PCB quality for prototype.

● Offers technology supports from PCB design forward, including the entire production process.

● Transition from prototyping to production is seamless.

JarnisTech, the market leader for quick, high-quality PCB fabrication, is an IPC member with certified facilities that adhere to IPC requirements.

Beginning on day one of design, we will collaborate with you to guarantee that your printed circuit boards adhere to IPC specifications. In addition, we provide information for your DFM tests and make it simple for you to examine and download DRC files in order to help you get off on the right foot.

If you are prepared to have your PCB design built, please submit PCB gerbers files to [email protected], and we will provide you with an estimate shortly. Contact us if you would like more information on IPC assembly standards.


Because of the importance of working with a reliable PCB manufacturer on your next project, it is essential that you have a thorough understanding of the benefits and critical IPC standards for PCB production. At the end of this post, we introduce JarnisTech to you, we are a company that specializes in producing metal core, ceramic, rigid, flex, and rigid-flex circuit boards for a wide variety of markets, including those involved in aerospace and satellite, medicine, LEDs, the military, consumer electronics, telecommunications, and automobiles. Throughout each stage of production, JarnisTech strictly adheres to a number of different IPC criteria related to PCBs.

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