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Jarnistech > ITEQ PCB > ITEQ IT-158
ITEQ IT-158 PCB Board

When it comes to selecting the right PCB substrate material for electronic applications, engineers face a multitude of options. One such material, ITEQ IT-158 Middle Tg PCB laminate, has gained prominence due to its unique properties and performance characteristics. In this article, we will compare ITEQ IT-158 Middle Tg PCB materials with other commonly used substrate materials, examining their key attributes, advantages, and limitations. By understanding the relative strengths and weaknesses of these materials, engineers can make informed decisions to optimize their PCB designs.

What is ITEQ IT-158?

T-158 is a multifunctional filled epoxy with a medium glass transition temperature (Tg) exceeding 150℃ as determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). This epoxy formulation exhibits excellent thermal reliability and resistance to conductive anodic filament (CAF) formation. It is specifically designed for applications in the industrial PCB and automotive sectors, where it demonstrates the capability to withstand lead-free assembly processes operating at temperatures up to 260℃.

Key Features of ITEQ IT-158

1. Advanced Resin Technology:

ITEQ IT-158 is an industrial standard material that utilizes a medium glass transition temperature (Tg) multifunctional filled epoxy resin, ensuring excellent thermal reliability.

2. Lead-Free Assembly Compatible:

This material is compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive, making it suitable for applications requiring high thermal reliability. It can withstand lead-free assemblies with a maximum reflow temperature of 260°C.

3. Friendly Processing and CAF Resistance:

ITEQ IT-158 is designed to be user-friendly during the PCB manufacturing process. It can be easily handled using existing equipment and chemicals commonly employed in PCB fabrication. Additionally, it exhibits excellent resistance to conductive anodic filament (CAF) formation.

4. Long-Term Reliability:

With its outstanding thermal reliability and CAF resistance, ITEQ IT-158 provides long-term reliability for industrial boards and automotive applications. It ensures the stability and durability required in demanding operating conditions.

5. Available in Variety of Constructions:

ITEQ IT-158 is available in various constructions, offering flexibility in selecting the appropriate copper weights and glass styles for specific application requirements. Options include standard (HTE), resin-treated foil (RTF), and very low-profile (VLP) copper foil.

Performance of ITEQ IT-158 PCB Materials

The ITEQ IT-158 PCB material offers impressive performance characteristics, including:

1. Excellent CAF Resistance:

ITEQ IT-158 exhibits outstanding resistance to conductive anodic filament (CAF) formation. This ensures the reliability and longevity of the PCB in demanding operating conditions.

2. Good Through-Hole Reliability:

The material demonstrates reliable performance in through-hole applications. It maintains excellent electrical connectivity and mechanical integrity in the presence of drilled holes, enhancing the overall reliability of the PCB assembly.

3. Low CTE (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) and High Thermal Reliability:

ITEQ IT-158 features a low CTE, which minimizes the risk of thermal stress-induced failures. This characteristic allows the material to withstand thermal cycling and varying temperatures, ensuring long-term reliability and stability in diverse environments.

4. Suitable for Various Applications:

ITEQ IT-158 is well-suited for a wide range of applications, including automotive, PC and notebook, game player, networking, and heavy copper applications. Its robust performance and reliability make it suitable for demanding electronic devices in these industries.

Overall, ITEQ IT-158 offers excellent CAF resistance, reliable through-hole performance, low CTE, and high thermal reliability, making it a suitable choice for various applications requiring durable and high-performing PCB materials.

Challenges and Limitations for using ITEQ IT158 PCB Materials

While ITEQ IT158 PCB materials offer several advantages, there are also some challenges and limitations that should be considered:

1. Cost: ITEQ IT158 laminates may have a higher cost compared to standard FR-4 materials. The increased cost can be a limitation for projects with strict budget constraints.

2. Availability: ITEQ IT158 laminates may not be as readily available as more commonly used materials like FR-4. Limited availability can be a challenge, especially for large-scale production or time-sensitive projects.

3. Processing: ITEQ IT158 laminates may require specific processing techniques and equipment. Specialized manufacturing processes, such as controlled impedance designs or high-frequency applications, may be necessary, which can add complexity and cost to the production process.

4. Design Considerations: ITEQ IT158 laminates may have specific design considerations due to their unique properties. For example, the thermal conductivity of the material may require additional attention to thermal management in the PCB design.

5. Compatibility: ITEQ IT158 laminates may not be compatible with certain assembly processes or component types. It is essential to ensure that the chosen laminate material is compatible with the manufacturing and assembly processes used in the project.

6. Thickness Limitations: ITEQ IT158 laminates may have limitations on the available thickness options. This can restrict the design choices, especially for applications that require specific thickness requirements.

7. Testing and Validation: As ITEQ IT158 laminates may have different properties compared to standard materials, additional testing and validation may be necessary to ensure the performance and reliability of the PCBs. This can add time and cost to the overall project.

It is important to carefully evaluate these challenges and limitations in relation to the specific requirements of your project. Consulting with PCB manufacturer(JarnisTech), material suppliers, and experienced engineers can help in determining the suitability of ITEQ IT158 PCB materials for your application and addressing any potential challenges effectively.

Compare with Other PCB Substrates Materials

When comparing ITEQ IT158 PCB substrate materials with other commonly used PCB substrate materials, several factors should be considered:

1. FR-4: FR-4 is the most widely used PCB substrate material due to its affordability and versatility. ITEQ IT158 laminates typically offer higher thermal conductivity and better performance at elevated temperatures compared to FR-4. However, FR-4 may be more readily available and cost-effective for standard applications.

2. Metal Core PCBs (MCPCBs): MCPCBs use a metal core, typically aluminum or copper, as the base material. They offer excellent thermal conductivity, making them suitable for applications requiring efficient heat dissipation. ITEQ IT158 laminates can provide comparable or even higher thermal conductivity, depending on the specific requirements.

3. Ceramic PCBs: Ceramic PCBs utilize ceramic materials such as alumina or aluminum nitride as the substrate. They offer high thermal conductivity and excellent electrical insulation properties. ITEQ IT158 laminates can provide a balance between thermal performance and cost-effectiveness compared to ceramic PCBs.

4. High-Tg FR-4: High-Tg FR-4 materials are designed to withstand higher temperatures than standard FR-4. ITEQ IT158 laminates generally have higher glass transition temperatures (Tg) and maximum operating temperatures, making them suitable for applications requiring increased thermal stability.

5. Polyimide (PI) PCBs: Polyimide is a flexible substrate material used in applications that require flexibility, such as flexible circuits or applications with complex form factors. ITEQ IT158 laminates are rigid substrates and are not suitable for flexible circuit applications.

When comparing these materials, factors such as thermal conductivity, glass transition temperature, maximum operating temperature, electrical performance, mechanical strength, environmental compliance, and cost should be considered. The specific requirements of the project, including thermal management needs, operating conditions, and budget constraints, will determine the most suitable substrate material for the application.

What Factor Consider When Choose ITEQ IT-158 in PCB Design?

When choosing ITEQ IT-158 PCB substrate material for a PCB design, several factors should be considered:

1. Thermal Conductivity: ITEQ IT-158 laminates offer high thermal conductivity, which is beneficial for applications that require efficient heat dissipation. Consider the thermal requirements of your design and whether the high thermal conductivity of ITEQ IT-158 is necessary for effective thermal management.

2. Glass Transition Temperature (Tg): ITEQ IT-158 laminates have a high glass transition temperature. This makes them suitable for applications that operate at elevated temperatures. Consider the operating temperature requirements of your design and ensure that the Tg of ITEQ IT-158 meets or exceeds those requirements.

3. Maximum Operating Temperature: ITEQ IT-158 laminates have a maximum operating temperature of 155°C. Evaluate whether this temperature rating is sufficient for your application. If your design operates at higher temperatures, you may need to consider alternative materials with higher temperature ratings.

4. Electrical Performance: Consider the electrical requirements of your design, such as signal integrity, impedance control, and high-frequency performance. ITEQ IT-158 laminates typically offer good electrical performance, but it’s important to ensure that the material characteristics align with the electrical requirements of your design.

5. Mechanical Strength: Evaluate the mechanical strength requirements of your design, including factors such as PCB rigidity, bending, and impact resistance. ITEQ IT-158 laminates provide good mechanical strength, but consider whether the material properties are suitable for the specific mechanical demands of your application.

6. Environmental Compliance: Consider the environmental regulations and compliance requirements that your design needs to meet. ITEQ IT-158 laminates are typically designed to meet RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and other environmental standards. Verify that the material complies with the necessary regulations for your application.

7. Cost: Assess the cost implications of using ITEQ IT-158 laminates in your design. While ITEQ IT-158 offers desirable properties, it may have a higher cost compared to standard FR-4 materials. Evaluate whether the benefits of ITEQ IT-158 justify the additional cost for your specific application.

By considering these factors in your PCB design, you can determine whether ITEQ IT-158 laminates are suitable and advantageous for your specific application requirements. It is also recommended to consult with PCB material suppliers and experienced engineers to ensure the optimal selection of materials for your design.

What is the Cost of ITEQ IT158 Laminates?

The cost of ITEQ IT158 laminates can vary based on several factors, including the specific requirements of the project, such as the desired thickness and panel size, the type of copper cladding, and the mechanical and thermal properties needed.

At Jarnistech, we specialize in providing customized high-performance ITEQ IT158 laminates tailored to meet your specific requirements. Our team of experienced PCB engineers can assist you in selecting the appropriate laminate specifications and provide you with a competitive pricing quote.

To obtain accurate and up-to-date pricing information for ITEQ IT158 laminates, I recommend reaching out to our oversea salesman team. They will be able to discuss your project details, understand your specific needs, and provide you with a comprehensive quotation based on your requirements.

Please feel free to contact our JarnisTech team now for further assistance and to receive a personalized cost estimate for ITEQ IT158 laminates.

Applications of ITEQ IT-158 PCB Laminates

ITEQ IT-158 PCB laminates find applications in various industries and electronic devices. Here are some specific applications where ITEQ IT-158 is commonly used:

1. PC and Notebook:

ITEQ IT-158 is suitable for PC and notebook applications, providing reliable performance and thermal stability required in these devices.

2. Memory Module:

The material is used in memory modules to ensure excellent electrical connectivity and reliability, meeting the demanding requirements of high-speed data transfer.

3. Game Player:

ITEQ IT-158 is utilized in game players to deliver reliable and high-performance PCBs that can withstand the rigorous demands of gaming applications.

4. Multilayer PCB:

ITEQ IT-158 is well-suited for multilayer PCB applications, where it provides excellent electrical performance, thermal reliability, and mechanical strength for complex circuit designs.

5. Automobile:

ITEQ IT-158 is employed in automotive applications, where it offers high reliability, thermal stability, and resistance to harsh operating conditions, ensuring the durability and performance of PCBs in automotive systems.

6. Servers and Networking:

ITEQ IT-158 is used in servers and networking equipment to provide reliable PCBs that can handle high-speed data transmission, thermal management, and demanding operating conditions.

7. Telecommunications:

The material is utilized in telecommunications equipment, such as routers, switches, and communication devices, to ensure reliable signal transmission and durability.

8. Heavy Copper Application:

ITEQ IT-158 is suitable for heavy copper applications, where it provides excellent thermal conductivity and mechanical strength to handle high current loads and dissipate heat effectively.

Therefore, ITEQ IT-158 PCB laminates have diverse applications in industries such as PC and notebook manufacturing, memory modules, game players, multilayer PCBs, automotive electronics, servers and networking, telecommunications, and heavy copper applications. Its reliability, thermal stability, and performance make it a preferred choice for various electronic devices and systems.


ITEQ IT-158 Middle Tg PCB materials present a compelling option for electronic engineers seeking enhanced performance and reliability in their designs. With its excellent thermal stability, high glass transition temperature, and reliable mechanical properties, ITEQ IT-158 is well-suited for demanding applications in industries such as telecommunications, automotive, and aerospace. The material’s compatibility with various manufacturing processes and its ability to meet stringent design requirements make it a valuable choice for advanced electronic projects.

As the demand for high-performance PCB materials continues to rise, ITEQ IT-158 Middle Tg PCB laminates offer a reliable and efficient solution that can drive innovation and push the boundaries of electronic engineering.

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